
Sunday, September 26, 2010

another frightened thing on my mind

as a communication student, we learn about a number of communication theories that will help us to explain everything that happen in our daily life. on of the theory that appears to me now is about television and crime. the theory said (i forget the name of it) that someone who spend more time watching television, who happen to broadcast a lot of crime, will feel more anxious when she walks alone in the street. means that she will be more afraid that the world is as bad as the television said. well, this theory actually happens to me now in a different way.

i seldom watch tv, because i rarely found an interesting program in our tv (indonesian program). so i usually watch movies and serials. and i loove action movie, until it made me afraid about everything in my life. i didn't know when it started. all i know is right now, i begin to be more aware. i started to be just like my mom, cheking my entire house every night, make sure we've locked all the doors. sometimes when my dad came late, i even called him and asked when he will back. and this week, this paranoia gets to the next level, i even scared to sleep in my own room!!!
i don't know what happen to me. i am afraid of everything. i am afraid something bad will happen to my sister in Bandung, so i force her to accept my mom's cell, since hers cannot accept any phone (which is important when she's in trouble). and today, my dad, brother, and i watched war movie that reaaalllyyy scary. i hate it so much.

sooo i keep wondering, what happen to me? is it because of i rarely pray so that i feel so afraid everytime? hmm i guess that's one point i must do.

above everything, i also wonder why oh why the world need to be this way? in newspaper, radio, television, indonesia, and the rest of the world, crime is increasing. why? doesn't the world will be a better place when we start to respect each other and help each other and just live in peace? why some people have to be that egoist? only want to have their own happiness and satisfaction without thinking about what others feel?

does the phrase 'world peace' only just a phrase consists of 2 words without meaning?

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