
Sunday, October 17, 2010

jambore sanitasi 2010

yeaay sorry i write again haha :)

jadi ceritanya hari ini gue baru pulang dari jambore sanitasi 2010. it's an event held by Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum with Inke Maris and Associates. it's an event with more than 100 junior-high students sebagai peserta. since i did an internship in IMA, i was asked to help on this event along with zefa and sinjay (my intern pals). we met sasa for the first time there. basically what we did was being the chaperone for 12-13 students to help them finish their task. they're not just an average junior-high student. they are 'DUTA SANITASI PROVINSI'. isn't that cool? buat dateng ke jakarta, mereka harus jadi juara 1 atau 2 di provinsi mereka lewat karya tulis atau karya poster. and you know what, it was all good. the paper was great and so did the posters.

anyway, gue megang kelompok BIRU MUDA. anak-anak gue ada dari NAD, sumatera barat, bangka belitung, riau, kepulauan riau, jawa tengah, jawa barat, DKI jakarta, kalimantan timur. they were sooo cute ahahaha. i actually took a picture with them.

the youngest is Verren. she's an elementary student from Kalimantan Timur. dia nggak ikut Jambore ini sebagai peserta tapi sebagai tamu undangan. she won a poster competition back then in Kaltim. Hebaaaat hebaaat.

what we do? as a chaperone, we make sure that our 'kids' follow the schedule correctly. namanya anak SMP kadang-kadang suka bandel dibilangin haha. buat masalah tidur dan bangun pagi, dengerin materi. hey, it does sound familiar. hahaha, i guess i do it too :)
sebagai duta sanitasi mereka dapet pembekalan banyaaaaaak banget, dari materi tentang 3R, public speaking, sampe kunjungan ke tempat pemilahan sampah dan water treatment. selain itu, mereka juga ada kunjungan ke Kementerian Kesehatan dan Istana Wakil Presiden buat audiensi sama Ibu Herawati Budiono. how cool is that? i mean, how many kids in junior high in Indonesia, who get the chance to experience all of it?
hiburan pasti ada. anak-anak itu juga ngerasain dufan (since not all of them from Jakarta, they've been wondering what dufan looks like) dan pastinya belenji belenji di mall artha gading sama supermall karawaci. bahkan games yang dimaini sangat scientific, yang ngebuat gue and the rest of chaperone bingung hahaha..

what makes this event even more valuable for me is that i learn soo many things too. at first, i learn the the children in Indonesia is actually care about our environment. and they do a lot of little things to make their environment better. they are better than me actually. dari pengetahuan tentang drainage, sanitasi, sampe actionnya mereka jauuuuh lebih perhatian sama bumi daripada gue and maybe the rest of us. di salah satu presentasi, gue bahkan belajar how to manage sampah kesehatan atau apa gt. intinya gmn cara salah satu rumah sakit di salah satu provinsi, menyelesaikan masalah sampah rumah sakitnya, seperti jarum, infus, dll. dan gue baru tau kalo mereka buat bangunan tanpa udara buat nimbun semua sampah itu setelah dibakar dan dicampur dengan semen. cara itu jitu karena nggak akan membahayakan orang-orang di sekitar rumah sakitnya. dan anaknya yang ngasih info itu masih SMP!! WOW. itu ilmu baru banget buat gue.

the other valuable lesson dari acara ini adalah tentang anak-anak itu sendiri. karena berasal dari daerah yang beda-beda, background keluarga mereka juga saaaanggaaat bervariasi. and us, the chaperones, usually share stories about our 'kids' before we went to sleep. ada anak gue dari kepulauan riau, namanya asti. one thing about her is that dia sangat percaya diri dan easy going. two combination that will make someone great when you add 'humbleness'. dan dia punya semuanya. keluarganya berasal dari keluarga yang berkecukupan dulu. unfortunately, life didn't always go with our plan. rumah besar 3 lantai berharga 1 milyar itu akhirnya wasted karena usaha yang direncanain gagal. tapi asti tetep santai. kehebatannya dia adalah dia sangaaat sangaaat jago berpantun dan berpidato. even the ministry of public work (djoko kirmanto) salut sama asti karena jago berpantun. dari kemahirannya itu, dia mulai ikut lomba, bikin les pidato, bikin usaha membuat puisi, dll. and you know what, sometimes hadiah yang didapet digunain buat biaya dapur, biaya perjalanan ibunya, and other house stuff. hebat! yang membuat dy even more greater, is that kementerian kesehatan pun percaya sama dia. di tanjung pinang sana, dia aktif di salah satu program kemenkes. dan dia bilang, dia cuma mau bikin orang tuanya bangga. karena doa ibu selalu memberikan hasil terbaik buat dia. i salute her :)
masih banyak asti-asti lain di jambore sanitasi ini. satu yang pasti, anak Indonesia sekarang luar biasa. gue bahkan malu kalo inget sampe sekarang masih sering ngebebanin orang tua. salute for all participants in Jambore Sanitasi 2010!!

lesson 3 : mengurus anak ternyata sangat SANGAT SANGAT susah. menjaga mood anak, nyuruh makan, bangunin, ngejawab semua pertanyaan anak-anak. sangat susah. and for this, i salute every parents in the whole world. padahal cuma sebentar, tapi gue udah sangat kecapean ngurus 13 anak. kalo lagi capek, i imagine my own parents. were they dissapoint when they know they have me as their daughter? were they ever complain about taking care of me since i was a little girl? was i giving them a hard time? pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu terus muncul. when i took care of my '13 kids', no matter how tired i am, i could always smile. cause they were soo great. i even proud of them, even though they're not my own children. one of my 'kids' was sick. and i have to take care of her. brought food to her room, made a hot tea, accompanied her to hospital, talked with her when she was bored cause she didn't allow to do anything. wow. i salute my mom for always taking such a good care of me when i sick. i love you :)

i'm tired. of course i am. but i'm also happy and proud to be involved in this event. i hope one day, in a diferent way, i can make my parents happy just like 'my kids' made me happy. and one day, i hope my own child will make me happy as a parents and be a great and proud Indonesian children, just like 'my kids' did.

i love you all, LASKAR BIRU MUDA :))


well apparantly, it's true that when we broke up with someone and wait patiently, we may find a man good enough and loyal enough to be on our side. but do you really think that this man really is the one?

i'm sooo lucky to have the best man in the whole universe. it's my DAD!!!!

ahhahahahaaa. i bet you all think that your dad is the greatest too. yuup yuuup. mine is sooo great that i wanna marry one of man like him. loyal and love his family soo much. my dad lives his life easily yet steady. he knows what he wants. but he never force himself to work hard to achieve his dremas. in fact, can you tell me whether your dad always, and i mean always, has a time to drive you to school until you're in university? or pick you up anywhere anytime when you have some things to do? so yes, mine is that great :)))

and the reason why i write this post is a talk between my dad and i just a moment ago. i've had my dinner actually tonight. after 6 days in work, my dad miss me. and when he came back from work, he asked me to accompany him having his dinner. and i did.
and the talk started when he talked about his health. that he felt old. actually his body is not that bad. he had a good life style. but one thing that bad in him is his knee. whenever he walks, he is always hold on his knee. in fact, he told me that in a year he thinks that he needs a driver.
as the first daughter of his, i feel terrible that i missed my driving lesson and don't take one again now. it happens because i had a car accident early this year. you see, i hitted a motorcycle driven by a young boy and girl. both of them didn't use their helmet nor brought driving lisence. they were wrong too. but since i drove the car and hitted them, i feel sooo bad that i can't forget about that accident. both of them are well. but i never forgot how they flied and hitted the ground and lost their consciousness. since then, i never drive again.

having those conversation with my dad about how his knee hurt, really made me sad that i can't help him. in fact, all my life i always made him busy and mad. i feel useless as his daughter. i really wanna change that. i want to be a great daughter for my parents, especially my dad. can i? the only way to do that is erase the memory about those accident and start practice. but it is sooo hard to do.

but, once you've had a reason -a strong reason- to do something for someone that's really important for you, you can do practically everything, right?

i will. start from this driving thing.
i will help my dad. my parents. my family. all my loved ones.
i will make them proud having me as part of their family.

papichi :*

Sunday, October 10, 2010

first love by nikka costa

this is my second post. do you remember about this song :

everyone can see. there's a change in me. they all said i'm not the same kid i used to be. don't go out and play. i just dream all day. they don't know what's wrong with me and i'm too shy to say. it's my first love. what i'm dreaming of when i go to bed. when i lay my head upon my pillow. don't know what to do..

the question is : what's your definition of first love?

ini pertanyaan paling basi di dunia. tapi tetep aja jawabannya bisa banyak banget. some will say first love is love that came too early. when we were young and didn't know what love is. some will say, first love happened when they had a boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time.

i will say, first love is a kind of love which you can never forget. though the love had passed for weeks, months, years, you can still remember every act they did. it doesn't matter when you have a new lover. cause when everything's over, when your new relationship has ended, all you think about is your past love. first love for me is personal. i've had couple of relationships. and i started my first when i was in elementary school haha. do i consider it as my first love? ahaha guess it by yourself. for me, first love doesn't always have to be my future. first love for me simply a love i never forget :)

oktober abu-abu

i'm gonna write two post today, since i felt two contradictive things. this one's called oktober abu-abu.
mengapa oh mengapa oktober menjadi abu-abu? hmmm it supposed to be the happiest month. f all since i'm having my birthday on this month. i just felt that today has turned this month to the worst month so far. i'm tired. and this is too much. just too much of everything. too much to handle. too much pressure. too much orang yang sakit. too much pengeluaran. too much makan. too much loneliness..
and everything bercampur baur jadi satu. i wish i could say i'm strong. but i'm not. i wish i could do lotsa different thingss, instead all i choose were wrong choices. i wish i could be the hero of the month who could save the day and make it colorful again. but i'm not. and i won't.

desperado. maybe you can call me that now.