
Monday, May 17, 2010

belajar belajar, belajar?

it's final exam time!!!
masalah males itu pasti selalu muncul, dan sebagai dateliners, biasanya i will wait untill the night has come. night in here means above 10 pm. then i start study. hahaha. kebiasaan belajar yang sangat buruk, consider i have to make my brain work harder. but i heard once that in studying, we have to find our type dalam belajar. and this's mine. dan hasilnya selama ini juga membuktikan kalo emang tipe gitu yang paling pas haha. efeknya tapi badan jadi sangat amat capek. and that happens to me. kasur berasa surga banget kalo abis belajar semalam suntuk. soo,should i change my habbit though it works great to me?

oyeah, i re-read a book called Letters To Matthews. you MUST read it. it's a great book about changing yourself into a better person. and one thing that i always remember, and i hope i will do is that we must find our passion, and we'll never need to work again. damn true. at this time, i just wish that studying is my passion. hahaha, supaya ga males dan semangat belajarnya. guess i'll have to try make it my passion. for now. hehe :p

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